Adapted from the Silver Palate Cookbook, this bittersweet chocolate cake recipe has almost a pound of chocolate and a dozen eggs! Light yet rich, it's...
This is far and away the best chocolate cake I've ever had! Be very sure to use a 12 cup Bundt pan, anything smaller will make a very messy oven! Serve...
This sweet little cake design was originally inspired by my mother-in-law. Her birthday is January 6, and she loves the flowers. Since her birthday is...
Nigella Lawson's devil's food cake recipe adapted from her cookbook Kitchen is substituting the usual melted chocolate in the cake with cocoa and dark...
Super chocolaty mini cupcake bites that are soft, chewy, and beautiful! Makes 4 dozen treats quickly and easily. They store and travel well. Let me know...
This is a great any occasion chocolate cake. This recipe makes one 9 inch round, and you can easily double it to make two 9 inch rounds or one 9x13 inch...
This cake recipe is the result of a discontinued, but wonderful box mix. It is a chocolate cake that slices to reveal a beautiful white coconut center....
This is my mother-in-law's grandmother's recipe from the Depression era. When eggs and milk were in very short supply she created this recipe out of need....
This cake is make without milk or eggs and is moist, dark and delicious. A brain child of the depression era when ingenious cooks developed a cake that...
Even the non-diabetics in my family will eat this... happily! Granular sucrolose is a heat stable sweetener that can be substituted for sugar in equal...
This is our go-to cake recipe now. After years of making 'depression cake' for our egg- and dairy-allergic son, we finally discovered that xanthan gum...
Even the non-diabetics in my family will eat this... happily! Granular sucrolose is a heat stable sweetener that can be substituted for sugar in equal...
Even the non-diabetics in my family will eat this... happily! Granular sucrolose is a heat stable sweetener that can be substituted for sugar in equal...
Named for my great aunt Lizzie Trollinger, this rich, old-fashioned chocolate cake has made a regular appearance at special family gatherings for over...